Jonathan Dinkeldein

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Jonathan Dinkeldein is a director of Burson-Marsteller's UK technology practice. "My interest in sustainable technology stems from my work in this area on behalf of clients," a biographical note states. [1]

Working for Microsoft

Alarmed at its rival Google's proposed purchase of the internet marketing firm DoubleClick, Microsoft is seeking to stoke opposition to the deal through its PR firm, Burson-Marsteller (B-M). B-M sent emails "to a number of top UK businesses," reports The Observer, urging board members "to raise the issue of Google's dominance of search engines with politicians, regulators and the media." The email, from Dinkeldein, also invited companies "to join a new organisation -- Initiative for Competitive Online Marketplaces -- which in the next few weeks will make a series of announcements on Google, internet privacy and copyright." Dinkeldein later admitted that the group was formed by Microsoft, though his email did not disclose Microsoft's role. In the U.S., B-M pitched cautionary stories on the Google-DoubleClick deal. [2]

The Wall Street Journal received an email from B-M warning about "what is not known about Google's handling of personal data and their related privacy practices." The email, which also didn't disclose the Microsoft connection, went on to say "it would be a powerful consumer service to delve into these issues with journalistic vigor." [3]


  1. "Jonathan Dinkeldein", Meetup, accessed September 2007.
  2. Nick Mathiason, "Microsoft in row over lobby tactics", The Observer (UK), September 23, 2007.
  3. Robert A. Guth and Charles Forelle "Microsoft Goes Behind the Scenes", Wall Street Jounal, September 24, 2007.