John Tiner

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John Tiner was appointed Financial Services Authority Chief Executive in September 2003. He joined the FSA in April 2001 as Managing Director of Consumer, Investment and Insurance Directorate following a broad-ranging career at Arthur Andersen. As Managing Director he spearheaded reform of regulation of the insurance industry and handled the implications of testing conditions in the equity market. He also had the most senior responsibility within the FSA for consumer interests and for developing the regulatory regime for mortgage and general insurance business.

John joined Arthur Andersen in 1976 and became Head of their world-wide Financial Services Industry practice in 1997. He led the Bank of England review of UK banking supervision in 1996 and worked on significant financial services assignments in Japan, the US, Germany, Norway and the Czech Republic. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.[1]


  1. ^ The Financial Services Authority website, About Us Last viewed 01.02.07