Joaquin Zuckerberg

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Joaquin Zuckerberg is a lawyer at MM~Law specializing in victim and human rights litigation. Prior to joining MM~LAW, Mr. Zuckerberg served for 8 years as general counsel for the Attorney General of Ontario, Canada. He was an Adjunct Professor at the Faculties of Law of the University of Toronto and Windsor. From 1998 until 2003, Joaquin served as in-house counsel and researcher for one-year engagements at the following human rights organizations: Redress, a London-based human rights organization that assists torture victims to obtain justice and compensation; the Center for Transitional Justice in New York; the Center for Justice and International Law in Costa Rica; and at the Human Rights Research and Education Centre/University of Ottawa in Ottawa Canada and Buenos Aires, Argentina.[1]


  1. Attorneys, MM~Law, accessed 15 July 2013.