Jean Leopold Schuybroek

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Jean Leopold is Chairman of the International Communications Consultancy Organisation, Owner,[1] Executive Chairman, and Head of Public Relations at Interel,[2] and Non-executive Director of Hasgrove Plc.[3]

Schuybroek's biography[4] describes how he 'has been responsible for the crisis and issue management of some of the most complex and high profile incidents in Europe, ranging across a wide range of subjects including the environment, labour relations, legal and regulatory issues and health' (Details of these incidents or the organisations involved are not disclosed). Schuybroek is currently Chairman of The International Communications Consultancy Organisation’s Membership and Governance committee and as is a member of the ICCO's executive committee. He is a founding member of The European Public Affairs Consultants Association (EPACA). Schuybroek previously served as a special advisor to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Trinidad and Tobago, as a Managing Director for Teleprint International (a Swiss telecommunications and information company), was President of The International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) and was President of the Belgian Public Relations Consultants Association (BPRCA) - also known as Belgisch Genootschap van Public Relations Adviseurs. Schuybroek also serves as Chair of the International Development Group for Public Relations Organisation International[5].


  1. LinkedIn, Jean Leopold Schuybroek, accessed 10 Feb 2010
  2. Interel, Management, accessed 10 Feb 2010
  3. Reuters, Hasgrove Plc (HSGV.L) (London Stock Exchange), accessed 10 feb 2010
  4. Interel Jean-Leopold Accessed 15th January 2008
  5. Public Relations Organisation International Management Board Accessed 15th January 2008