Jan Zahradil

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Jan Zahradil, MEP

Jan Zahradil (born 20 March 1963, Prague) is a Czech MEP from the Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana, ODS) (since 01.05.2004) and a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (since 14.07.2009).


Record and Controversies

Record of Parliamentary Votes

Date Name of Document MEPs Vote
13.03.2012 Should there be an obligatory quota of at least 40% (by 2020) of female representation in the management boards imposed on companies? Against
16.02.2012 Should the European Parliament have a single seat (instead of two, Strasbourg and Brussels)? Absent
15.02.2012 Should the Eurozone Member States pool their public debts by creating Eurobonds? Against
15.12.2011 Should public access to EU documents be made easier? For
14.12.2011 Should the EU have a stronger and united defence policy? Against
17.11.2011 Should nuclear energy be phased out? Against
25.10.2011 Should a global tax on carbon emissions be introduced? Against
28.09.2011 Should the European Commission supervise the budgets and economic policies of the Member States and apply sanctions for non-compliance with EU-agreed rules on fiscal discipline? Against
05.07.2011 Should the cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the EU be made more restrictive? Against
20.10.2010 Should the minimum length of the maternity leave on full pay be extended from 14 to 20 weeks? Against
09.02.2010 Should the proposed Barosso II Commission be appointed for the 2009-2014 term? Abstain
*Source: www.votewatch.eu

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  1. European Journal, Personnel, accessed 21.04.2013.