IVAX Corporation

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The Ivax Corporation is a huge Florida-based health company. Norton Healthcare, the largest generic drugs company in Britain, is a subsidiary of IVAX. Norton's Head Office is located London's Docklands and, according to Chairman and CEO Isaac Kaye, it was positioned there 'owing to the area's proximity to the City of London and to the European Medicines Evaluation Agency'[1]

Isaac Kaye earned $550,301 at IVAX in 1998 (plus share options worth up to $1.5 million) and $521,520 in 1997.[2]. In 2006 IVAX was aquired by Teva which is described as 'Israel's largest company'.[3] The aquisition is reported to have created 'the world's largest generics company'.[4].

Kaye is reported to have stepped down as chairman of Norton Healthcare in 2003[5]. Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac reports IVAX profits totalling $243,200,000 for 2001, $131,000,000 for 2000 and $70,700,000 for 1999. Their sales totals were $1,215,400,000, $793,400,000, and $656,500,000 respectively.

In 2001, IVAX is reported to have 'achieved record earnings of $1.2bn'[6]


In 2003, the following people are reported as serving IVAX...

IVAX's Board of Directors in 2002 are reported as including[23]...

Aquisitions and Partnerships

In 2004, IVAX is reported to have aquired ChemSource Corporation (which is based in Puerto Rico)[24] .

ChemSource is reported to have 'recently entered into a license agreement with Novartis Pharma AG to utilize the patented multi-dose dry powder inhaler, Airmax, for Novartis's trademarked medicines Foradil and Miflonide in the European Union and certain other countries'[25].

In 2002, it is reported that IVAX 'established a company in France by acquiring Merck Sharp & Dohme's portfolio of generic products there[26].


In July 2003, Business Wire reports that IVAX 'received the first of a series of payments from B Braun Melsungen AG, under a number of agreements, for certain patent and product rights and for settlement of litigation'[27]. No further details were disclosed.

In 2003, Thomas Beier, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for IVAX reported 'Operating expenses' which included a $6.6 million legal settlement[28]. No further details were disclosed.

Subsidiaries and Brands

The IVAX Corporation's other subsidiaries include Zenith Goldline Pharmaceuticals, Goldcaps Inc., Diamedix Corporation, Baker Norton Pharmaceuticals, Immunovision and DVM Pharmaceuticals (all based in Florida), Gelkaps GmbH (Germany), Elvetium S.A. (Argentina), Baker Norton Asia (Hong Kong), Delta Biologicals (Italy) and Galena a.s. Opava (Czech Republic).

In 2002, IVAX is reported to have 'recently' aquired Puerto Rican based company ChemSource (Which develops, manufactures and sells active pharmaceutical ingredients for a variety of pharmaceuticals products)[29]

In 2002, it is also reported that IVAX 'established a company in France by acquiring Merck Sharp & Dohme's portfolio of generic products there[30]. IVAX also 'entered into a collaboration with Novartis' in order to market IVAX's Airmax multidose dry powder inhaler[31].

In 2002, Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac describes IVAX's 'Brands/Divisions/Affiliates' as[32]...

Brands, Divisions and Affiliates

In 2004, Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac reports the following 'Brands/Divisions/Affiliates' of IVAX[33]...

In 2001, IVAX announced that it had acquired 99.9% of the shares of Laboratorio Chile S.A[34]

IVAX acquired Laboratorios Elmor S.A. in 2000 (located in Caracas, Venezuela)[35]

In 1996, IVAX merged with the Bergen Brunswig Corporation(which provided American wide distribution of pharmaceuticals and medical-surgical supplies to chain and independent pharmacies, hospitals, HMOs, nursing homes, clinics and physician groups) to create BBI Healthcare. [36]

In 1991, Baker Cummins Pharmaceuticals is reported to be one of IVAX's 'principal' subsidiaries. It is 50% owned by Union Carbine[37]


  1. Hermes Database '300% Increase In New Jobs Created By US Investment' 16th June 1999
  2. Ref needed
  3. Teva, IVAX Acquisition, accessed 23 May 2008
  4. Maguire K (2002) Profile:Isaac Kaye The Guardian 13th April 2002. Accessed 4th April 2008
  5. Brogan, B. & Gysin, C. (2008) Hain faces sack in sleaze inquiry; He could be barred - but Brown might fire him first. The Daily Mail (London). 12th January 2008
  6. McGee, H. (2002) 'Alleged fraud firm linked to millionaire with Irish passport'. Sunday Tribune (Ireland). 14th April 2002
  7. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  8. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  9. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  10. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  11. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  12. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  13. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  14. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  15. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  16. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  17. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  18. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  19. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  20. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  21. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  22. Company News 'IVAX Corporation - Directorate Change'. 22nd April 2003
  23. Business Wire 'IVAX Announces Results of 2002 Annual Shareholders' Meeting'. 27th June 2002
  24. Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac. 'IVAX Corporation.' January 2004
  25. Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac. 'IVAX Corporation.' January 2004
  26. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  27. Business Wire 'IVAX Reports Increased Revenues and Net Income for 2nd Quarter of 2003; 2Q2003 Net Revenues Up 22% to $343 Million, Net Income Up 30% to $41.3 Million' 30th July 2003. Miami
  28. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  29. Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac (2002) 'Individual Data Profiles On Each Of THE HEALTH CARE 500'. January 2004
  30. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  31. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire 'Q1 2003 Ivax Earnings Conference Call - Final'. 24th April 2003
  32. Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac (2002) 'Individual Data Profiles On Each Of THE HEALTH CARE 500'. January 2004
  33. Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac. 'IVAX Corporation.' January 2004
  34. The Regulatory News Service 'IVAX Corporation - Letter to shareholders'. 20th September 2001
  35. The Regulatory News Service 'IVAX Corporation - Letter to shareholders'. 20th September 2001
  37. PR Newswire 'IVAX HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS'. 28th October 1991