Harrison Cowley Ltd PRCA Yearbook 2004

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Harrison Cowley Ltd


  • Loretta Tobin


Dragon Court
27 Macklin Street
London WC2B 5LX
Telephone: 020 7404 6777
Fax: 020 7404 6888
Email: lorettat@harrisoncowley.com
Website: www.harrisoncowley.com

Quality Assessment Achieved

  • PRCA Consultancy Management Standard

Business Commenced




Range of Services

Five things you really need to know about HC:

  1. We're big, we're national but we are not precious, despite the Covent Garden address.
  2. We're serious about the quality and creativity of the intelligent campaigns we deliver and our relationships with clients across a wide range of sectors.
  3. We're passionate about brands and we have wide ranging expertise in effective brand communication to diverse audiences - from teenagers through to the grey market.
  4. We have the best culture and the friendliest atmosphere of any national agency.
  5. And, as a network we develop truly national campaigns that work right down to grass roots level and move people to action.

Fee Income

�7,500,001 - 8,000,000

Current Clients

* = client retained for more than three years
** = client retained for more than five years

Ad Hoc Clients

Partners / Directors

Holders of Public Office


Parent or Principal Company

  • Huntsworth plc

Subsidiary Companies


Associate Companies

  • Walsh PR, Dublin
  • The Davidson Cockroft Partnership, Belfast

Overseas Owned Offices Within


International Affiliates Within


Other Addresses


Vincent House
92-93 Edward Street
Birmingham BI 2RA
Contact Mireille Toddington
email: MireilleT@harrisoncowley.com
Tel: 0121 236 7532


40 Queen Square
Bristol BSI 4QP
Contact: Ian Muir
email: IanM@harrisoncowley.com
Tel: 0117929 2311


7&8 Park Place
Cardiff CF1O 3DP
Contact Georgina Jones
email: GeorginaJ@harrisoncowley.com
Tel: 02920 344 717


15 Abercromby Place
Edinburgh EH3 6LB
Contact Andrew Jarvie
email: AndrewJ@harrisoncowley.com
Tel: 0131 556 6600


Canton Tower
St. Paul's Street
Leeds LSI 2QB
Contact: Josie Fitzhugh
email: JosieF@harrisoncowley.com
Tel: 0113 244 2424


Victoria Buildings
1 Princess Street
Albert Square
Manchester M2 4DF
Contact: Sarah-Jane Gray
email: Sara-JaneG@harrisoncowley.com

Tel: 0161 839 5666


30 Carlton Crescent
Southampton SO15 2EW
Contact: Jeremy Wrench
email: JeremyW@harrisonecowley.com
Tel: 02380 337237