Harcourt Public Affairs

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Harcourt was founded in 1989 by Caroline Cawston, and is an independent company specialising in political consultancy.[1]


Caroline Cawston, founder director. Described as "a large, no-nonsense lady of matronly demeanour, a WW veteran who used to work for a Liberal MP in the 1970s. If a design team were briefed to construct a living embodiment of the British nanny, they would come up with Ms Cawston."[2] Also has experience working for Good Relations Limited as an account director. [1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 the team Harcourt, accessed 22 October 2014
  2. 2.0 2.1 Backbenchers take up fight against the flab, Independent, 12 January 2006