H.M. Queen Rania

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H.M Queen Rania


An international voice of cross cultural dialogue, a philanthropic advocate, promoter of advancing health and educational opportunities in Jordan and world. 1993: married King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, then Prince; following marriage, channelled energies behind initiatives aiming to improve livelihood of Jordanians including education, health, youth, environment, reaching out to global community to foster values of tolerance and acceptance, promoting excellence, creativity and innovation in education, improving quality of life of family unit including protection of children from violence and promotion of early childhood development, developing income-generating projects, advancing best practices in the field of microfinance. International Youth Foundation; Foundation for International Community Assistance; GAVI Fund, a non-profit organization that seeks to provide children in the world's poorest countries with access to life-saving vaccines. First Eminent Advocate for Children, UNICEF. Patron for Violence Prevention in Eastern Mediterranean Region, World Health Organization.[1]

Role Within the World Economic Forum

Member of the Foundation Board


  1. World Economic Forum biography, The World Economic Forum Leadership Team, accessed 8 March 2011