Green Jobs Strategy

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Elisabeth Stark is the Scottish Executive's Green Jobs Strategy project manager. At a meeting in Glasgow in 2004 she stated that the two main areas of the strategy are: the expansion of the green business sector in Scotland, and making the existing business community more environmentally sound.

This meeting was held at the request of George Burgess, who works for the Scottish Executives Sustainable Development team, in order to discuss BCSD-UK proposals. David Middleton from the BCSD-UK had given feedback on the executive's document " A partnership for a better Scotland" which consisted of a seven point action plan, and the BCSD-UK's November 2003 general meeting to be hosted by the Scottish Executive were the focus of this meeting.

"Growing the economy is the Scottish Executive's top priority, but we have made a commitment that this growth will be sustainable. The drive for a sustainable world is sometimes seen by business as an economic cost. In fact, it is a superb economic opportunity. Our green jobs strategy highlights the wealth of business and employment opportunities arising from this shift towards a sustainable future." [1]

In order to deliver their commitment to the sustainable development agenda a consultation exercise between the executive, the public sector and business was undertaken. The outcome of which was a report published in June 2005 'Going for Green Growth: a Green Jobs Strategy for Scotland. [2]

An implementation plan accompanies the Green Jobs Strategy which sets out executive comitments in this area, it is updated periodically, most recently this was done in December 2006. [3]

Elisabeth Stark


  1. ^ Scottish Executive Green Jobs Strategy
  2. ^ Scottish Executive Going for Green Growth: A Green Jobs Strategy for Scotland June 2005
  3. ^ Scottish Executive Implementation Plan for Gren Jobs StrategyDecember 2006