George Godsal

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George Godsall is the managing director and chair of the corporate and brand practice at Burson Marsteller.


After graduating from university, Godsal was appointed an account director at Hill & Knowlton, until 2000 when he moved on to do the same role at B2L Public Affairs until 2003. He was then appointed director of The Press Agency, October 2003 until August 2005.

In August 2005, he was hired again by Hill and Knowlton as director and head of UK corporate reputation team until April 2009 and then managing director of East Africa until August 2010.

In September 2010, he was hired as managing director of corporate communications UK at MSL Group until February 2014.[1]

He is currently managing director and chair of the corporate and brand practice and Europe, Middle East and Asia corporate and crisis chair at Burson Marsteller.[2] He has worked for companies such as Airtel, Siemens and the World Gold Council.[3]



  1. George Godsal Linkedin, accessed 20 October 2014
  2. Daniel Farey-Jones and John Owens Burson-Marsteller lures MSL's George Godsal to head corporate and crisis PR Week, 4 February 2014, accessed 20 October 2014
  3. George Godsal Burson Marsteller, accessed 20 October 2014