Freedom Promotion Act 2002

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The Freedom Promotion Act 2002 was introduced on 14 March 2001 by U.S. Rep. Henry J. Hyde (R-IL), Chairman of House International Relations Committee and passed in 2002. Hyde recommended that the U.S. Government needed to 'do more to counter misinformation overseas about American policies and culture or risk undermining its influence in the world'. [1]

The House International Relations Committee summarised the aims and objectives of the Act:

Specific authorizing language. The legislation gives shape to the direction and manner in which public diplomacy is carried out by defining the statutory authorization; defines the role of the Secretary of State in public diplomacy more specifically in terms of standards, technologies, and target audiences:
Requires the Secretary of State to ensure that there is a "cohesive and coherent" strategy to "aggressively....counter misinformation and hostile propaganda concerning the United States.
In coordination with the reconstituted International Broadcasting Agency, the Secretary of State "shall develop and articulate long-term measurable objectives for United States public diplomacy. [2]


  1. Foreign Affairs Website Archives accessed 14-Apr-2008
  2. Foreign Affairs Website Archives, House International Relations Committee Summary of Freedom Promotion Act 2002 accessed 14-Apr-2008