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Eurofacts masthead circa 2009

Eurofacts is a Euro-sceptic news service launched in the mid 1990s and associated with Global Britain. It is registered as a company at Companies House with a date of incorporation of 29/12/1998. The Eurofacts newsletter appears to have closed down in 2009.[1] However, conservative foundations continued to give it money until the present.

It was edited by Gerald Frost (formerly 'Director of the London based Centre for Policy Studies from 1992 until 95 and head of the Institute of European Defence and Strategic Studies, which he founded in 1981.'[2] The chairman was Ian Milne, also since 1999, the director of Global Britain. He was the founder-editor (in 1993) of The European Journal, and the founder (in 1995) and first editor of Eurofacts. He has published with a range of conservative think tanks including, A Cost Too Far? (Civitas, July 2004), an analysis of the net economic costs and benefits for the UK of EU membership, and Backing the Wrong Horse (Centre for Policy Studies, December 2004), a review of the UK's trading arrangements and options for the future.[3]

Eurofacts masthead circa 2001 showing the connection to Global Britain


According to a Euro-sceptic blog posting

In a letter to its readers the Eurofacts editorial team stated:
Dear Subscriber,
eurofacts to cease publication
We are writing to let you know that, fourteen years after its founding, eurofacts will shortly cease publication. The last issue will be that dated 19th June 2009 and numbered Vol 14 No 17.
This is a voluntary decision, taken after much deliberation by the management team consisting of the two founders, Ian Milne and Keith Carson, and the editor Gerald Frost. The reason is that, in what is turning out to be a prolonged and deep recession, we are no longer confident in our ability to secure the substantial funding needed to cover the publication’s operating costs.
eurofacts’ unbroken fourteen-year track record comprises 330 issues, twelve pamphlets and fourteen Data & Historical Fact Sheets, with over 660,000 copies delivered to readers.
Recent polls show that British public opinion is more solidly eurosceptic than ever, something to which eurofacts has no doubt contributed.
Few publications are fortunate enough to have readers as intelligent, as faithful, as committed and as active as eurofacts. We are immensely grateful to all of you for your support and interest. The time will come - sooner perhaps than we expect - when our country once again becomes an independent self-governing democracy, and we are confident that eurofacts and its readers will be judged to have played a significant part in bringing that happy state about.
Once again, our sincerest thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Milne Keith Carson Gerald Frost
Chairman Managing Director Editor[1]


One of the sources of funding gained by Eurofacts is the Institute for Policy Research a charity that funds conservative think tanks.

Donors to Eurofacts in £ sterling [4]
Donor Organisation[5] 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 2005-2013
Institute for Policy Research 36,500 31,500 25,782 19,250 14,700 3,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 144,732
Nigel Vinson Charitable Trust 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 5,000 5,000 14,000
Stanley Kalms Foundation 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500
Total 39,000 31,500 25,782 19,250 14,700 3,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 161,232


  • SNELL, CAROLINE JAYNE SECRETARY Appointed: 02/09/2009 Appointments: 2
  • CARSON, KEITH GRAHAM MR DIRECTOR Appointed: 29/12/1998 Country/State of Residence: UNITED KINGDOM Date of Birth: 05/10/1947 Appointments: 6
  • MILNE, IAN MICHAEL DIRECTOR Appointed: 29/12/1998 Resigned: 06/08/2009 Date of Birth: 19/04/1940 Appointments: 12[6]


Company No. 03689418[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Derek Bennett SAD NEWS ABOUT EUROFACTS Derek Bennett the EU Sceptic, Sunday, 31 May 2009
  3. Global Britain About Us, accessed 3 May 2011.
  4. Data compiled from filings at the Charity Commission.
  5. Data compiled from filings at the Charity Commission.
  6. Data from Companies House, accessed 3 may 2011
  7. Data from companies House, accessed 3 May 2011