Eretz Hakodesh UK

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According to the blogger and headmaster of Tiferes Shlomo Boys' School, a Hasidic school in London Eli Spitzer:

The reality is that, depending on which demographer you ask, Charedim either already, or will very soon, make up 50% of Jewish births in the UK. We need and deserve real representation on issues we care about and issues that affect us as individuals and as a community, including those to do with Eretz Yisroel. However, neither the UK Jewish establishment nor our own Charedi institutions has any interest in or incentive to give us that voice.
Luckily, though, we do not need to wait for either of them. In America, Rabbi Pesach Lerner blazed the trail for the ordinary Charedi on the street and set up Eretz Hakodesh to run in the World Zionist Congress, working closely with MK Yitzchok Pindrus and receiving endorsements from Rav Chaim Kanievsky זצ’’ל and American Gedolim. On its first try, Eretz Hakodesh revolutionised world Zionist politics in the WZO elections of 2020. Now, Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag is bringing the revolution to our shores, and this is where you come in. In order to ensure that it can run a UK slate in the next elections, Eretz Hakodesh needs enough members to clear all the hoops the Zionist establishment will inevitably place in its path.[1]



  • Deborah Guttentag Correspondence address 2nd Floor - Parkgates, Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester, United Kingdom, M25 0TL Role ACTIVE Director Date of birth August 1962 Appointed on 15 December 2021 Nationality English Country of residence England Occupation Teacher
  • Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag Correspondence address 2nd Floor - Parkgates, Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester, United Kingdom, M25 0TL. Role ACTIVE Director Date of birth November 1959 Appointed on 3 November 2021 Nationality British Country of residence United Kingdom Occupation Director[2]



Eretz Hakodesh UK
17 Overbrook Drive
M25 0AB

See also
