Elias Buchwald

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Elias Buchwald was one of the founders of Burson-Marsteller.

Buchwald has been a volunteer media trainer at an annual program organized by the the American Jewish Congress and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs for over twenty years.[1]

In 2007 Elias Buchwald, ran a four-day training session for 17 high-level Israeli spokespersons from government agencies and consulates. The session was organized by 5W Public Relations, the American Jewish Congress and the Israeli Foreign Ministry. "We want Americans to relate to Israel emotionally, not just impersonally," Buchwald said. "The point should be ‘Israel has what you like' by using warm, evocative and colorful language." Reporter Gary Rosenblatt summarised Buchwald's advice as "keep it short, make it direct, and no matter what the question, know beforehand what message you want to get across and stick with it."[2]

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