Economic Research Council

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The Economic Research Council is a right wing economics think tank.

By its own account:

The Economic Research Council was founded in 1943 as the Joint Council for Economic and Monetary Research. Its origins go back at least a decade earlier to the 1930s, when a number of prominent people, concerned at the poverty around them in the midst of plenty, started questioning the use in Britain of a monetary system that had failed the nation in the past and was liable to go on perpetuating the sequence of boom, slump, boom of the 1920s.

If orthodox economics were to blame then its basic tenets should be challenged: and the challengers should be informed citizens who made it their business to learn more about the practical aspects of economics, and to get more people to join them in this process of enlightenment.[1]


Economic Research Council - Officers

Executive Committee



  1. ^ Economic Research council About, Accessed February 2007