Don Argus

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Don Argus is an Australian businessman.


Argus is currently a member of the Bank of America Global Advisory Council, Chairman of Bank of America Merill Lynch Australia Advisory Board, Director of the Australia Foundation Investment Company[1] and a director of Hakluyt's international advisory board The Holdingham Group Advisory Board[2] since 1 September 2010.

He was been Chairman of BHP Billiton (1999-2010) and Brambles (1999-2008) and was CEO of National Australia Bank (1991-1999).[1]

He has formerly been member of the international advisory board of Allianz AG, member of the international advisory committee to the New York Stock Exchange Board of Directors and was also a part of the Board of the winemaker Southcorp but resigned following its acquisition of Rosemount.[1]


In 2007 he was named one of the most influential figures in Australian business by The Bulletin magazine.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Don Argus Linkedin, undated, accessed 24 September 2014
  2. Holdingham advisory board undated, accessed 24 September 2014