Der Monat

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Der Monat was a German-language political and cultural journal, first appeared in Germany in October, 1948. The purpose of the publication was to serve as a weapon against communism and fascism and to be a voice for western ideals. After six years of U.S. government sponsorship, Der Monat became an private journal, published by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Publizistik. The last issue appeared in 1971 after a long association with the International Association for Cultural Freedom.[1]

During its lifetime, Der Monat was funded by the Marshall Plan, the Ford Foundation and the CIA.[2]



  1. Guide to the Der Monat Records 1948-1971, University of Chicago], accessed 4 October 2013.
  2. Frances Stonor Saunders, Who Paid the Piper: The CIA and the Cultural Cold War, Granta, 2000, p.30.