Caroline Ciuciu

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Caroline Ciuciu is responsible for legal affairs at Foratom and paid by Areva.[1]

She is currently the EU Public Affairs Director at Albemarle and has previously worked as legal counsel for AREVA (2000-2003).


Ciuciu attended the International School of Nuclear Law, Oxford University and the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne.


Before her current position Ciucui was Public Affairs Manager at Erament for five years from 2007 – June 2012 in Paris within its Communication and Sustainable Development Division. Her role covered:

  • Advocacy and promotion towards the French and European authorities on environment and heath topics, European chemicals policy, Research & Development, Resources and raw materials.
  • In-depth cooperation with international, European and French industry organizations.
  • Development of a Stakeholders dialogue policy.
  • Development of a CSR policy implementing ISO 26000 guidelines (purchasing, stakeholders dialogue, etc).

CiuCiu was Legal Counsel in European & International law for AREVA from 2000-2003, based in Velizy France. [2]
