Bob Diener

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Formerly of and current President and co-founder of Consumer Club (with Dave Litman), Bob Diener has a range of corporate big name 'retail partners' including Wal-mart, McDonalds, Macy's and Planet Hollywood.[1] Consumer Club donates money to "hundreds of major national charities as well as thousands of local charities including advocacy groups, private schools and religious organizations".[2] Although it is not possible to find a list of these charities, one of these may be Honest Reporting which Bob Diener personally endorses.[3]



  1. Consumer Club 'About Us', cited on 23rd April 2006
  2. Consumer Club 'Charity' cited on 23rd April 2006
  3. Honest Reporting 'Endorsements' cited on 23rd April 2006
  4. HonestReporting US board and Finance, accessed 16 October 2013