Beis Ruchel Girls School (primary)

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Beis Ruchel Girls School (URN 130286) is an independent, Satmar Orthodox Jewish school for girls aged 2 to 11 in Salford. along with Beis Ruchel Girls School (secondary), it is run by Beis Ruchel School Ltd (Company number 03561612; Charity number: 1074439)

Ofsted report

The 2024 Ofsted inspection found that, “Nevertheless, the school does not actively promote mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, as required by the independent school standards (‘the standards’). For example, pupils do not learn about different religions and values, nor about the rich cultural diversity of the city where they live. Also, pupils have a cursory understanding of fundamental British values, such as individual liberty. Furthermore, the school censors images of people wearing clothing that do not fit the orthodox Jewish principle of modesty. These decisions fail to adequately promote pupils’ understanding and tolerance of people different to themselves.” [1] [2]



The school is registered on Companies House with a different address to the school itself: 144 Fawcett Estate Clapton Common, London, E5 9DQ.

Name Correspondence address Role Position Date of birth Appointed on Resigned on Nationality Country of residence Occupation
Moishe Zvi Rothbart 10 Legh Street, Salford, Lancashire, M7 4EF Active Secretary ? 15 May 1998 Present United Kingdom England Sales person
Berush Krausz 67 Wellington Street East, Salford, Lancashire, M7 4DN Active Director July 1966 9 May 2005 Present United Kingdom England Student
Bernard Olsberg 22 New Hall Avenue, Salford, M7 4HR Resigned Director 11 May 1998 15 May 1998 United Kingdom England Nominee Secretary
Chaim Shimen 6 Marston Road, Salford, M7 4ER Resigned Director May 1968 15 May 1998 13 November 2018 United Kingdom England Manager
Rachel Hannah Olsberg 22 New Hall Avenue, Salford, M7 4HR Resigned Nominee Director February 1948 11 May 1998 15 May 1998 United Kingdom England Estate Agency
Paul Rothschild 3 Saltire Gardens, Salford, Manchester, M7 4BG Resigned Director August 1973 10 May 2005 13 November 2018 United Kingdom England Property Management
Jehuda Wosner 5 Castelfield Avenue, Salford, Greater Manchester, M7 0HJ Resigned Director December 1972 25 May 1998 9 May 2005 Israel England Teacher



Name Role Date of appointment Other trusteeships Reporting status of other trusteeships

Chaim Shimen Lebrecht Trustee 1? Friends of Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok, The Great Club Charitable Trust Ltd, Mike Taharas Ruchel, Mikve Trust Limited, CSBS Trust, KYC Manchester, Memhay Limited, Satmar Torah Trust Ltd All received: on time

Paul Rothschild Trustee ?  The Great Club Charitable Trust and Cong Yetev Lev D'Satmar M/C Ltd Received: on time, Received 43 days late

Barush Krausz Trustee  ?  None on record


School Trustee and Director Chaim Shimen Lebrecht is also trustee of Friends of Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok. It's activities have been stated as: “During the year the charity has continued its philanthropic activities and has maintained its support of the religious educational and charitable activities of the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok community in Israel.”

General Information

  • Address: 87 Devonshire Street, Salford, Manchester, Lancashire, M7 4AE
  • Local authority: Salford (355)
  • Age range: 2 to 11
  • School type: Other independent school
  • Gender of entry: Girls
  • ID: URN: 130286, DfE number: 355/6040, UKPRN: 10015016
  • Open date: 7 November 1995[5]
