Barry Blechman

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Barry Blechman

Dr. Barry M. Blechman is security consultant and an expert on arms control and national security. He is the co-founder of the Washington based ‘security’ think-tank the Henry L. Stimson Center, and the founder of DFI International, a Washington based research and consulting company sold in 2007.

Education and Career

Blechman has a Masters Degree from New York University and a PhD in international relations from Georgetown University. He has taught at the Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, and the University of Michigan.

He was Assistant Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from 1977 to 1980.[1] He served on the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (The Rumsfeld Commission) (1998-99), the Defense Policy Board (2002-06), and the Mayor’s Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program Advisory Committee in the District of Columbia (2004-06).[2] He has served as assistant director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, directed the defense analysis staff at the Brookings Institution.[3]


  • Barry M Blechman, Stephen S Kaplan, et al., Force without war: U.S. armed forces as a political instrument (Washington, Brookings Institution, 1978), (ISBN: 0815709862 9780815709862; 0815709854; 9780815709855)
  • Barry M Blechman ed., Rethinking the U.S. Strategic Posture: A Report from the Aspen Consortium on Arms Control and Security Issues (Cambridge: Ballinger, 1982)
  • Barry M Blechman, Preventing Nuclear War: A Realistic Approach, (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1985), (ISBN: 0253203503)



  1. Barry M. Blechman and Janne E. Nolan, ‘Reorganizing for More Effective Arms Negotiations’, Foreign Affairs, Summer 1983
  2. Henry L. Stimson Center, About (accessed 16 May 2008
  3. National Defense University, Barry M. Blechman, (accessed 16 May 2008