Avenir Suisse

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Avenir Suisse is a free-market liberal Swiss think tank. Founded and initially financed in 1999 by 14 internationally operating Swiss companies, Avenir Suisse is constituted as a foundation under Swiss law and considers itself independent from outside interests. The foundation's name translates to "Swiss Future".

According to its mission statement, Avenir Suisse "wants to contribute to the formation of new ideas concerning economics, politics and the society at large." It follows "a liberal agenda and represents a market oriented position." Thus it postulates that "it can not be in the first place the task of the state to solve the problems on the agenda."

Although Avenir Suisse's positions, generally favoring deregulation and a reduction of government intervention, are usually not received enthusiastically in mainstream Swiss politics, they do tend to generate substantial media attention.

Avenir Suisse is a member of the Stockholm Network, an umbrella organisation for market-oriented European think tanks.


Walter B. Kielholz

External link
