Association of Chief Police Officers Scotland

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This article is part of the Counter-Terrorism Portal project of Spinwatch.

Scotland badge.png This article is part of the Scotland: Portal project of SpinWatch.

The Association of Chief Police Officers Scotland (ACPOS) is an independent organisation registered with Companies House (Company No. SC310956) and is responsible for overall management and direction of policing in Scotland. It is the Scottish equivalent of the Association of Chief Police Officers which covers England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

According to its statement of purpose, ACPOS aims:

  • To create the environment for the delivery of excellent, visible and accessible policing services
  • To efficiently, effectively and economically develop the capacity and capability of policing in Scotland
  • To inform and influence the development and delivery of public policy[1]

Counter-Terrorism Role

ACPOS has established a 'Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Unit (CTIU)' which coordinates all 'police and counter-terrorism related duties' in Scotland. CTIU's have similar roles and responsibilities as Counter-Terrorism Unit's (CTU's), but they differ in the sense that they do not have 'an investigative role'.[2]

Organisational Structure

President - Mr Pat Shearer (Dumfries & Galloway)
Vice President - Mrs Norma Graham (Fife Constabulary)
Executive Vice President - Mr David Strong (Lothian & Borders)
Past President - Mr Colin McKerracher (Grampian Police)
