Anne Gantén

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Anne Gantén is the Executive Director, Assistant Treasurer and the Assistant Secretary, of the Atlantic Partnership.

Her educational achievements include a Bachelors Degree in International Economics, from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University; and a Masters in Business Communication and Public Relations from European University, Brussels.

Before her current post, Anne was a Business Analyst and the Business Development leadership Development Program Manager at Lockheed Martin. One of her many roles in this organisation was tracking and analysing the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company; and was deeply involved in the marketing of the C130J aircraft and the Littoral Combat ship to Israel.

In addition to this she was also the program manager for the Security and Defence Agenda think-tank, which is based in Brussels.[1]


  1. "Anne Ganten Biography", Atlantic Partnership Website, Accessed on 19 October 2010