All Party Parliamentary Group for Skills and Employment

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The All Party Parliamentary Group for Skills and Employment is a forum for MPs to debate, and raise the profile of, skills and employment policy in the UK.

The APPG says it 'brings together Parliament, employers, and the skills sector to promote and develop effective skills policy as a central means of personal and economic development for the 21st century.'[1]


The APPG is funded by qualification awarding bodies, such as OCR and Pearson. It has also received funding from technology providers such as Metaswitch, the network software provider. A full list of the APPGs 'members' is on its website.[2]

In 2013 Metaswitch founder Ian Ferguson was co-author of a report with Mike Tomlinson, former Chief Inspector of Schools, that looked at the policy changes needed to ensure that the education system provides sufficient non-academic routes into employment. The report, 'One System, Many Pathways', was funded by awarding body City & Guilds and Interserve, a operator of PFI in schools.[3]

The charity, Edge Foundation, and OCR also provide financial support for an 'education and skills team' at Policy Connect, which provides the secretariat for the APPG.


The APPG is run by lobbying firm, Policy Connect.


APPG for Skills and Employment officers (as of Nov 2016):



  1. APPG for Skills and Employment, register of APPGs, accessed Nov 2016
  2. Membership, APPG for Skills and Employment website, accessed Nov 2016
  3. One System, Many Pathways, Polcy Connect website, November 2013