Adam LeBor

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Adam LeBor is a British author and journalist, based in Budapest.[1]

Lebor describes his journalistic output as follows:

I review thrillers and crime novels for the Economist, and non-fiction for the Sunday Times, Literary Review and the Jewish Chronicle. In the US I contribute to the New York Times and Conde Nast Traveler. On the web I write for Dissent, Comment is Free, The First Post and More Intelligent Life.[2]

Lebor has also contributed to blogs including Harry's Place [3] and Dissent's Arguing the World.[4]



  1. Adam Lebor - Home,, accessed 14 June 2010.
  2. Adam Lebor - Home,, accessed 14 June 2010.
  3. Adam LeBor, New contributor, Harry's Place.
  4. Adam LeBor, Arguing the World, Dissent, accessed 14 June 2010.