300 Group

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Established in 1980 as an all-party organisation to campaign for more women into Parliament, the European Parliament, local government and public life. Membership was open to anyone aged 15 or over who agreed with its aims:

  1. . To work towards equal representation of women in Parliament
  2. . To encourage women to seek and hold public office
  3. . To encourage women to participate in decision making processes at all levels.[1]

In order to achieve this, its objectives were defined as

  1. . To provide regular training such as 'political schools' for aspiring councillors, MPs and MEPs and skills and policy training supplied by 300 Group trainers, in all the skills essential to achieving success in public life
  2. . To set up regional branches throughout the United Kingdom
  3. . To generate a supportive network of women through political receptions and other social events etc.
  4. . To create a climate of opinion which regards as natural the participation of women in public life.

In addition to the national group and its programmes of development and networking events, local groups or branches were also formed with their own programmes of training, seminars and speakers.

National policy decisions (it is interesting to note that it follows the organisational structure of big business) were made by a Board of Directors elected by members who in turn annually appointed a Chair, Vice Chair and Finance Director as well as a Company Secretary while male and female MPs could become Friends of the 300 Group.



  1. IN THE BEGINNING... Lesley Abdela looks back at the early days of The 300 Group, First published in 300 Group News on 10th Anniversary of the group's launch (1990).