Liam Fox Register of Members Financial Interests

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Entries in the Register of Members' Interests, latterly the Register of Members' Financial Interests, for Liam Fox.

Register of Members' Interests as at 11 April 2005

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • Contributions to staffing running of private office from Cllr Michael Batt of Amersham, who is also Principal of SMAE Institute, Maidenhead.
  • A researcher based in my office works exclusively for the Atlantic Bridge, a UK-American think-tank of which I am a founder member. In this role she receives funding from Pfizer Inc. She has no function in any health role.

9. Registrable shareholdings

(a) Arrest Ltd.; medical education company.[1]

Register of Members' Interests as at 13 February 2006

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc Lectures on emergency medical procedures for Arrest Ltd, a medical education company.

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support Contributions to staffing and running of private office from:

(Registered 18 October 2005) Contributions to my Conservative Party leadership campaign:

(Registered 18 October 2005)

(Registered 26 October 2005)

6. Overseas visits

  • 26-28 July 2005, to Israel and Jordan, familiarisation visit in my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary. Hotel accommodation provided by Tel Aviv Hilton Hotel; flight transportation provided by Lord Ashcroft; in-country transportation and programme planning provided by the Government of Israel. (Registered 18 October 2005)
  • 29 August-2 September 2005, to India with delegation of Members, familiarisation visit in my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary. Hotel accommodation provided by the Government of India. Cost of flights met by Mr Stanley Fink, a businessman from Middlesex. I received upgrade from Virgin Atlantic on flight from UK to India, and from British Airways on return flight from India to UK (Registered 18 October 2005)
  • 18-21 September 2005, to US with delegation of Members, familiarisation visit to extend and improve links between British and American legislators in my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary. Costs of flights and hotel accommodation met by Mr Michael Lewis, a businessman from London. I received upgrade on flights to and from Washington from Virgin. (Registered 18 October 2005)

9. Registrable shareholdings (a) Arrest Ltd.[2]

Register of Members Interests as at 23 January 2007

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Lectures on emergency medical procedures for Arrest Ltd, a medical education company.

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • Contributions to staffing and running of private office from Cllr Michael Batt of Amersham, who is also Principal of SMAE Institute, Maidenhead.

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • In my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary (2005-06) and Shadow Defence Secretary (from January 2006), I have received upgrades from Virgin Atlantic on some flights connected with overseas visits for which I have met my own flight and accommodation costs. (The details of these overseas visits have been provided to the office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.)

6. Overseas visits

  • 30 January-2 February 2006, to Muscat and Saudi Arabia, familiarisation visit in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. Flight transportation provided by Lord Ashcroft. (I met my own accommodation costs.) (Registered 1 March 2006)
  • 29 May-5 June 2006, to Bangkok and Singapore, as part of an invitation to the International Institute of Strategic Studies 2006 Shangri-La Dialogue in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. My flights and accommodation in Singapore were paid for by the IISS. (I met my own accommodation costs whilst in Bangkok.) (Registered 8 June 2006)
  • 4-8 September 2006, to Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, familiarisation visit in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. The Chinese Government arranged for my transfer flight from Shanghai to Beijing and for my accommodation whilst in Shanghai and Beijing. (I met my own flight costs from London to Shanghai, Beijing to Hong Kong, and Hong Kong to London. I also met my own accommodation costs whilst in Hong Kong.) I received upgrade on flights to Shangahi and on my return to London from Virgin Atlantic. (Registered 8 November 2006)

9. Registrable shareholdings (a) Arrest Ltd.[3]

Register of Members Interests as at 22 January 2008

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Lectures on emergency medical procedures for Arrest Ltd, a medical education company.

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support Contributions to staffing and running of private office from:

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • In my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary (2005-06) and Shadow Defence Secretary (from January 2006), I have received upgrades from Virgin Atlantic on some flights connected with overseas visits for which I have met my own flight and accommodation costs. (The details of these overseas visits have been provided to the office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.)

6. Overseas visits

  • 31 May-4 June 2007, to Singapore, as part of an invitation to the International Institute of Strategic Studies 2007 Shangri-La Dialogue in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. My flights and accommodation in Singapore were paid for by the IISS. (Registered 4 July 2007)
  • 17-18 September 2007, to Seattle, USA, to attend the Annual Discover Brilliant International Conference in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. My flight and accommodation costs were met by the conference organisers, The Athena Institute. (Registered 22 October 2007)
  • 4-6 October 2007, to Florence, to attend the Annual Canonbury at La Pietra Conference in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. My flight from Liverpool to Florence was provided by NetJets and paid for by the CQS Group. My accommodation costs were met by the Conference organisers, The Canonbury Group. (I met my own costs for my return flight to London.) (Registered 22 October 2007)

9. Registrable shareholdings

Register of Members Interests as at 14 January 2009

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Lectures on emergency medical procedures for Arrest Ltd, a medical education company.

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support Contributions to staffing and running of private office from:

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • In my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary (2005-06) and Shadow Defence Secretary (from January 2006), I have received upgrades from Virgin Atlantic on some flights connected with overseas visits for which I have met my own flight and accommodation costs. (The details of these overseas visits have been provided to the office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.)
  • I receive honorary membership of the Carlton Club. (Registered 10 November 2008)

6. Overseas visits

  • 5-8 November 2007, to Sri Lanka in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary, for familiarisation visit at the invitation of the Government of Sri Lanka, who paid for my flight and accommodation costs. (Registered 19 February 2008)
  • 24-27 March 2008, to Sri Lanka in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary for a familiarisation visit at the invitation of the Government of Sri Lanka, who paid for my return flight and accommodation costs. (Registered 14 April 2008)
  • 17-21 April 2008, to Delhi, to attend and speak at the 1st Annual IISS-Citi India Global Forum as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. My flights and accommodation in Delhi were paid for by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. (Registered 24 April 2008)
  • 28 May-1 June 2008, to Singapore, as part of an invitation to the International Institute for Strategic Studies 2008 Shangri-la Dialogue in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. My flights and accommodation in Singapore were paid for by the IISS. (Registered 17 June 2008)
  • 18-23 June 2008, to New York, USA, to attend and speak at a dinner and reception for the Jewish Institute for National Affairs (JINSA) in my capacity as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. My return business class airfare from London to New York and one night's accommodation were met by JINSA. (Registered 3 July 2008)
  • 19-22 June 2008, to Colorado, USA, to attend and speak at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) World Forum in my capacity as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. My return flights from New York to Vail, Colorado were provided by Brevan Howard Asset Management. My accommodation, ground transportation and meals were paid for by the AEI. (Registered 3 July 2008)
  • 27 July-4 August 2008, to Washington DC and Chicago in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary, to attend the Atlantic Bridge 2008 Transatlantic Leadership Exchange and to attend and speak at the 35th Annual American Legislative Exchange Council meeting. My return transatlantic flights were paid for by the Atlantic Bridge. My accommodation in Washington, internal flight to Chicago, accommodation in Chicago and conference expenses were paid for by the American Legislative Exchange Council. (Registered 19 August 2008)
  • 14-17 October 2008, to New York to attend the US Presidential Debate as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. My outbound flight to New York was provided by Mr Michael Hintze of the CQS Group. (I met my own return flight and accommodation costs in New York.) (Registered 14 November 2008)
  • 7-10 December 2008, to Israel, to attend and speak at The Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies Conference on Counterinsurgency as Shadow Defence Secretary. My return business class flights and two nights' accommodation in Tel Aviv were paid for by the conference organisers. (Registered 18 December 2008)

7. Overseas benefits and gifts

  • 29 March 2008, my wife and I were provided with corporate hospitality at the Dubai World Cup Horse Racing by Mr Gary King, CEO of the Dubai Mercantile Exchange. (Registered 14 April 2008)

9. Registrable shareholdings (a) Arrest Ltd.[5]

Register as at 6 January 2010

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support Contributions to staffing and running of private office from:

Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000 Date of receipt: 14 July 2009 Date of acceptance: 14 July 2009 Donor status: individual (Registered 17 July 2009)

Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £4,500 Date of receipt: 17 July 2009 Date of acceptance: 17 July 2009 Donor status: individual (Registered 17 July 2009)

Address of donor: Investors in Private Capital Limited, 25 Harley Street, London W1G 9BR Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5000 Date of receipt: 14 August 2009 Date of acceptance: 14 August 2009 Donor status: Company, registration no. 05204672 (Registered 24 August 2009 )

Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5000 Date of receipt: 2 November 2009 Date of acceptance: 2 November 2009 Donor status: individual (Registered 3 November 2009 )

Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5000 Date of receipt: 11 November 2009 Date of acceptance: 11 November 2009 Donor status: individual (Registered 18 November 2009)

Address of donor: c/o Turcan Connell, Princes Exchange, 1 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9EE. Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5000 Date of receipt: 7 December 2009 Date of acceptance: 7 December 2009 Donor status: company, registration number SC343164 (Registered 9 December 2009)

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • In my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary (2005-06) and Shadow Defence Secretary (from January 2006), I have received upgrades from Virgin Atlantic on some flights connected with overseas visits for which I have met my own flight and accommodation costs. (The details of these overseas visits have been provided to the office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.)
  • I receive honorary membership of the Carlton Club. (Registered 10 November 2008)
  • 26-27 January 2009, to Warton in Lancashire, to visit BAe Systems for a tour of facilities and briefing meetings as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. My return flights from London to Warton and one night's accommodation were provided by BAe Systems. (Registered 10 February 2009)
  • My wife and I received tickets for the 'Black and White Party' on 4 February 2009, paid for by Mr James Reuben. (Registered 3 March 2009)

6. Overseas visits

  • 28 May-1 June 2008, to Singapore, as part of an invitation to the International Institute for Strategic Studies 2008 Shangri-la Dialogue in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. My flights and accommodation in Singapore were paid for by the IISS. (Registered 17 June 2008)
  • 18-23 June 2008, to New York, USA, to attend and speak at a dinner and reception for the Jewish Institute for National Affairs (JINSA) in my capacity as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. My return business class airfare from London to New York and one night's accommodation were met by JINSA. (Registered 3 July 2008)
  • 19-22 June 2008, to Colorado, USA, to attend and speak at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) World Forum in my capacity as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. My return flights from New York to Vail, Colorado were provided by Brevan Howard Asset Management. My accommodation, ground transportation and meals were paid for by the AEI. (Registered 3 July 2008)
  • 27 July-4 August 2008, to Washington DC and Chicago in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary, to attend the Atlantic Bridge 2008 Transatlantic Leadership Exchange and to attend and speak at the 35th Annual American Legislative Exchange Council meeting. My return transatlantic flights were paid for by the Atlantic Bridge. My accommodation in Washington, internal flight to Chicago, accommodation in Chicago and conference expenses were paid for by the American Legislative Exchange Council. (Registered 19 August 2008)
  • 14-17 October 2008, to New York to attend the US Presidential Debate as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. My outbound flight to New York was provided by Mr Michael Hintze of the CQS Group. (I met my own return flight and accommodation costs in New York.) (Registered 14 November 2008)
  • 7-10 December 2008, to Israel, to attend and speak at The Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies Conference on Counterinsurgency as Shadow Defence Secretary. My return business class flights and two nights' accommodation in Tel Aviv were paid for by the conference organisers. (Registered 18 December 2008)
  • 11-14 March 2009, to Sri Lanka in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary for a fact-finding visit at the invitation of the Government of Sri Lanka. My flights from London to Colombo, Colombo to Dubai (for non-registrable visit) and my accommodation costs in Colombo were paid for by the Sri Lankan Government. (Registered 23 March 2009)
  • 25-31 May 2009, to Hong Kong and Singapore, as part of an invitation to the International Institute for Strategic Studies 2009 Shangri-la Dialogue in my capacity as Shadow Defence Secretary. I paid for my own flights and accommodation in Hong Kong and Singapore. I received a flight upgrade on my outbound flight to Hong Kong from Cathay Pacific Airlines and a hotel room upgrade in Hong Kong and Singapore from The Mandarin Oriental Hotel. (Registered 5 June 2009)
  • Name of donor: The Kingdom of Bahrain

Address of donor: Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain, 30 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8QB. Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Approx. £1,400, for two nights accommodation. Destination of visit: The Kingdom of Bahrain Date of visit: 21-23 July 2009 Purpose of visit: To meet with the King of Bahrain as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. (Registered 5 August 2009)

Address of donor: 1) 40 George Street, London W1U 7DW 2) High Commission for Sri Lanka, 13 Hyde Park Gardens, London W2 2LU Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): 1) Return flight costs to be paid: £1778 2) Hotel accommodation in Colombo: £950 Destination of visit: Colombo, Sri Lanka Date of visit: 27-30 August 2009 Purpose of visit: Meetings with the President of Sri Lanka and the Foreign Minister, including visits within the country. (Registered 23 September 2009)

Address of donor: 40 George Street, London W1U 7DW. Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £3000 for return flight Destination of visit: Colombo, Sri Lanka. Date of visit: 14 - 17 November 2009. Purpose of visit: to attend the Sri Lanka Freedom Party national convention and for meetings with the President of Sri Lanka and the Foreign Minister. (Registered 20 November 2009)

9. Registrable shareholdings (a) Arrest Ltd.[6]

Register as at 24th January 2011

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

(a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:

Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,900. (This donation was given to the constituency association, who will report it to the Electoral Commission.) Donor status: individual (Registered 20 May 2010)

(b) Support in the capacity as an MP: Contributions to staffing and running of private office from:

Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000 Date of receipt: 18 January 2010 Date of acceptance: 18 January 2010 Donor status: individual (Registered 29 January 2010)

Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £50,000 (given to me in my previous capacity as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence) Date of receipt: 26 January 2010 Date of acceptance: 26 January 2010 Donor status: individual (Registered 29 January 2010)

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • In my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary (2005-06) and Shadow Defence Secretary (from January 2006), I have received upgrades from Virgin Atlantic on some flights connected with overseas visits for which I have met my own flight and accommodation costs. (The details of these overseas visits have been provided to the office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.)
  • Name of donor: Mr Stanley Fink

Address of donor : private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: my wife and I received tickets to the Conservative Party’s general election fundraising dinner (value: £700) Date of receipt of donation: 1 February 2010 Date of acceptance of donation: 1 February 2010 Donor status: individual (Registered 11 February 2010)

Address of donor : 69 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1PJ Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: renewal of honorary membership; value £790 Date of receipt of donation: 1 January 2011 Date of acceptance of donation: 1 January 2011 Donor status: Company, registration number 00573221 (Registered 14 January 2011) 6. Overseas visits

Address of donor:1) High Commission for Sri Lanka, 13 Hyde Park Gardens, London W2 2LU 2) 50 Lothian Road, Festival Square, Edinburgh EH3 9WJ Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): 1) Hotel accommodation for my wife and me in Colombo; value £900 2) Return business class flight to Colombo; value £2650 Destination of visit: Colombo, Sri Lanka Date of visit: 14-18 February 2010 Purpose of visit: to undertake a series of meetings and discussions with the Government of Sri Lanka exploring practical ways of facilitating investment in social infrastructure projects across Sri Lanka. (Registered 15 March 2010)[7]

Register as at 28th September 2011

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) In my capacity as Shadow Foreign Secretary (2005-06) and Shadow Defence Secretary (from January 2006), I received upgrades from Virgin Atlantic on some flights connected with overseas visits for which I have met my own flight and accommodation costs. (The details of these overseas visits have been provided to the office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.)

Address of donor : 69 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1PJ Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: renewal of honorary membership; value £790 Date of receipt of donation: 1 January 2011 Date of acceptance of donation: 1 January 2011 Donor status: Company, registration number 00573221 (Registered 14 January 2011)

Address of donor: 5th floor, 33 Chester Street, London SW1X 7BL Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: flight from Washington DC to Farnborough valued at £10,439 Date of receipt of donation: 24 May 2011 Date of acceptance of donation: 19 May 2011 Donor status: Company, registration number 03691917 (Registered 27 June 2011)[8]


  1. FOX, Dr. Liam (Woodspring), Register of Members' Interests as at 11 April 2005,, accessed 17 October 2011.
  2. FOX, Dr. Liam (Woodspring), Register of Members Interests as at 13 February 2006,, accessed 17 October 2011.
  3. FOX, Dr. Liam (Woodspring), Register of Members' Interests as at 23 January 2007,, accessed 17 October 2011.
  4. FOX, Dr. Liam (Woodspring), Register of Members' Interests as at 22 January 2008, accessed 17 October 2011.
  5. FOX, Dr. Liam (Woodspring), Register of Members' Interests as at 14 January 2009,, accessed 17 October 2011.
  6. FOX, Dr. Liam (Woodspring), The Register of Members' Financial Interests as at 6 January 2010,, accessed 17 October 2011.
  7. FOX, Dr. Liam (North Somerset), The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1 As at 24th January 2011,, accessed 17 October 2011.
  8. FOX, Dr. Liam (North Somerset), The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1 As at 28th September 2011,, accessed 16 October 2011.