Strategic Programme Fund

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The Strategic Programme Fund (SPF) - formerly the Global Opportunities Fund - was established in 2003 to support the Government’s international goals.

According to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) it has

supported nearly 950 projects since 2003 ranging from climate change and energy, Afghan counter-narcotics and migration prograrmmes, to sustainable development, relations with the Islamic world and economic governance.

Now it main focus is mainly

   * counter terrorism, weapons proliferation and their causes
   * promote a low carbon, high growth global economy
   * prevent and resolve conflict; and
   * develop effective international institutions, above all the UN and EU


The SPF is funded as part of the FCO, according to the most up-to-date Annual Report 2006-7, The FCO's spending for that year stood at £128 million - the SPF spending accounted for 50 per cent of this.[1]


  1. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund Annual Report 2006-7, p 37