Erling Bjurström
Erling Bjurström is Professor of Cultural Research, at the Linköping University in Sweden.
Biographical Information
Current activities
Bjurström's research intersts include
- Cultural studies
- Media and communication
- Youth culture
- Children and advertising
- Member of the Advertising Education Forum, Academic Network[1]
In reply to an e-mail inquiry in January 2009 regarding his membership of the AEF Bjurström stated that, " Yes, I'm a member of the network. I've been a member since 2001, when I was part of the AEF Academic Advisory Board, which ended in 2004. No specific(terms of membership), just that one is able to participate in AEF-activities that might interest you. No, there is no payment.Yes, in some cases they have received advices(from the academic). AEF has not contacted me for some time time, but usually they do so once or twice a year. Yes, I have attended AEF-conferences, the last one was in London a couple of years ago. " [2]
Publications, Contact, Resources and Notes
- Lifestyle marketing. What's that?, Stockholm: Konsumentverket 1991.
- Sell it with sounds. On music and TV advertising), Stockholm: Konsumentverket 1993 (co-author Lars Lilliestam).
- Children and television advertising: A critical study of international research concerning the effects of TV commercials on children, Stockholm: The institute for media and social research/The national Swedish board for consumer policies 1994. [3]
- Passages: Media and clture in a shopping mall, Lund: Nya Doxa 2001 (edited together with Karin Becker, Johan Fornäs and Hillevi Ganetz).
- Youth Culture, style and taste, Umeå: boréa 2005.
- Address:
- Phone:
- Website:
- ↑ Advertising Education Forum AEF Academic Network (AAN), accessed 1 August 2007.
- ↑ Email correspondence between Erling Bjurström and David Miller January 9-12 2009.
- ↑ KonsumerverketChildren and television advertising, accessed January 11 2009.