Tony Hawkhead

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Sir Tony Hawkhead CBE

Tony Hawkhead was appointed as a non-executive member of the board at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in July 2011. He is also chief executive at Action for Children. [1]

In 2003, Hawkhead was awarded a CBE for services to the environment, and in 2011 he was further honoured with a Knighthood for services to environmental regeneration. [2]


Previously Hawkhead worked as the chief executive at Groundwork, a charity with a '£140m annual turnover delivering 6000 projects a year, with national reach across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.' [2]

As well as this, he previously chaired the Department for Work and Pensions Third Sector Welfare to Work Taskforce, and was a member of the Local Government Association Climate Change Commission in 2007. [2]


  1. Sir Tony Hawkhead The Huffington Post, accessed 22 April 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Tony Hawkhead CBE GOV.UK, accessed 22 April 2015