Talk:Gerard Russell

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- Gerard Russell, the British Consul-General in Saudi Arabia, [1]

- Mr. Gerard RUSSELL, Assistant Desk Officer, Near East & North Africa Department, FCO (Tour of the FCO; Topics discussed: work of the department; political and socio-economic situation in Palestine; Palestinian elections; upcoming Israeli elections and impact on the peace process; final status negotiations on Jerusalem, settlements and refugees). Mr. Matthew TAYLOR, Inter-Governmental Conference Unit, European Union Department (internal), FCO (Topics discussed: The impending Inter-Governmental Conference; EU enlargement, EU budget and UK's contribution; UK position on EMU; Common Agricultural Policy). [2]

- Mr. Gerard Russell MBE, Consul-General of the United Kingdom at the IIROSA headquarters in Jeddah [3]

- I know my successor, Gerard Russell, will look forward to working with the BBG throughout his time in Jeddah. The UKTI team at the Consulate-General and the BBG have a long history of working together to promote British business: long may this continue! [4]

- Russell - Britain rejects attacking Iraq [5]

- Last Google Search: [6]

- Last Lexis search: [7]
