Stanley Esmond Ellison

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Stanley Esmond Ellison was a General practitioner and former director of occupational medicine Harlesden (b London 1924; died of myocardial infarction on 5 October 1997).[1]

According to an Obituary in the BMJ:

He began reading medicine at Melbourne, while evacuated to Australia during the war, and after qualification built up a flourishing practice in north west London. He then switched to industrial medicine, being responsible for a large workforce on an industrial estate. With firmly held moral values he found that by the end of the 1960s the side effects of a decade of personal liberation were showing up in doctors' surgeries. He campaigned for the importance of family life and was a founder member of the Responsible Society, later supporting Family and Youth Concern. After retirement he worked on the Mental Health Act's appeal boards. He enjoyed gardening and bridge and was a keen Francophile. He leaves a wife, Brenda, and two daughters.[1]

The Responsible Society

The Responsible Society was founded in 1971 ‘by the late Stanley Ellison, a London GP specialising in preventative medicine.’[2] After writing a letter to ‘’The Times’’, Ellison ‘was contacted by people who shared his concern that the breakdown of the traditional family could have long-lasting and serious consequences.’ Thus was the Responsible Society born. It later changed its name to Family and Youth Concern and later still the Family Education Trust.

Ellison was concerned about the effects of the ‘permissive society’ and in particular what the Trust describes as ‘significant changes in both laws and social attitudes in such areas as divorce, having children outside of marriage, abortion and pornography.’[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Marilyn Levi 'Obituary: Stanley Esmond Ellison', BMJ 1998; 316 : 398 (Published 31 January 1998)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Family Education Trust About Us, accessed 22 August 2010