Quintus Public Affairs Ltd

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Quintus Public Affairs Ltd is an international lobbying firm dealing in many areas including government relations. It was acquired by Luther Pendragon on 04 January 2010.[1]


  • Chris Guyver, MD. He worked in the Conservative Research Department and also advised Rt Hon Peter Walker MP, as Secretary of State for Energy and then Wales. He was the first Head of Public Affairs at Burson-Marsteller, the leading worldwide public relations agency, in London from 1987-1989. He was founder and co-owner of Politics International, a political consultancy.[2]


Clients listed in 2008:[3]


Internet Archive holdings of quintuspa.com



  1. Quintus, Homepage, accessed 10 January 2010.
  2. Quintus website, accessed March 2009
  3. APPC register, to Nov 2008

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