Private H (Bloody Sunday)

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Private H was a soldier in the Anti Tank Platoon of Support Company, 1 Battalion, the Parachute Regiment on Bloody Sunday.[1]

The Saville Report into Bloody Sunday stated:

The four soldiers who moved from the low walls of the Kells Walk ramp into Glenfada Park North were Corporal E, Lance Corporal F, Private G and Private H. All were members of Anti-Tank Platoon and all fired their rifles in Glenfada Park North.
We are sure that these four soldiers were between them responsible for the casualties in Glenfada Park North. It is probable that Corporal E was responsible for the shot that injured Patrick O’Donnell. It is not possible to identify which particular soldiers shot the other casualties. However, we consider it more likely than not that either Lance Corporal F or Private H fired the shot that mortally wounded William McKinney; that one or other of these soldiers was responsible for the shot that wounded Joe Mahon; that either Private G or Private H fired the shot that wounded Michael Quinn; that either Lance Corporal F or Private G fired the shot that wounded Joe Friel; and that either Private G or Private H fired the first shot to hit Jim Wray. Joe Mahon was probably wounded by a shot that had first hit William McKinney. It is not clear whether Joe Friel and Michael Quinn were specifically targeted, or were hit by shots fired indiscriminately at the people who were in the south-west corner of Glenfada Park North. All these shots were fired from the northern side of Glenfada Park North within a very short time of each other. All the casualties were on the southern side of Glenfada Park North, about 40 yards from the soldiers.[2]

The report continued:

As we have said, Jim Wray was shot twice, the second time probably when he was lying mortally wounded on the ground. It is probable that either Private G or Private H fired this second shot.[3]


  1. The events of the day, Report of the The Bloody Sunday Inquiry - Volume I - Chapter 3, 2010.
  2. The events of the day, Report of the The Bloody Sunday Inquiry - Volume I - Chapter 3, 2010.
  3. The events of the day, Report of the The Bloody Sunday Inquiry - Volume I - Chapter 3, 2010.