Premier Oil:Links, contacts & resources

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For information on Premier Oil’s involvement in Burma:

The Burma Campaign UK 3rd Floor, Bickerton House 25-27 Bickerton Road London N19 5JT Tel: 020 7281 7377 Fax: 020 7272 3559

For information on Premier Oil’s involvement in Pakistan:

Friends of the Earth Craig Bennett FoE England, Wales and Northern Ireland Tel: 44 20 7566 1667 Pager: 07654 588 862 E-mail: or Paul de Clerck FoE Netherlands Tel: 31 20 550 7300 E-mail:

Project Underground Monitors mining and oil companies. All issues of Drillbits & Tailings referred to above can be found on their site.

‘UK Cash Fuels Burma’s Suffering’ by David Cohen Article on Premier Oil in Burma from issue 10 of Corporate Watch magazine.

For a financial analysis of Premier Oil, visit and choose from one of the profiles.

Total Denial Continues Report by Earth Rights International (ERI) on the effects of Total’s pipeline building. The report features first hand testimonies from several hundred victims, witnesses and army defectors interviewed in the pipeline corridor. The report is available online at 2012 Massachusetts Ave.NW Ste. 500 Washington DC 20036 Tel: +1 202 466 5188 Fax: +1 202 466 5189