Porter Novelli, PRCA Yearbook 2004

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Porter Novelli International



31 St Petersburgh Place
London W2 4LA
Telephone: 020 7853 2222
Fax: 020 7853 2244
Email: fiona.joyce@cpn.co.uk
Website: www.countrywidepn.co.uk

Quality Assessment Achieved

  • Consultancy Management Standard

Business Commenced




Range of Services

Porter Novelli is one of the leading communications companies in Europe. It has established a reputation for innovation in all aspects of PR and for delivering real business value. We promise Our clients fresh insights based on sound research that follows a disciplined businesscentred protocol. We promise to create big ideas that break through the communications clutter. Finally, we promise Our clients the desired impact � as measured by significant changes in awareness perceptions and behaviour. In three words, we promise clients: Insight. Ideas. Impact.

Fee Income

Unable to disclose Sarbanes Oxley Act

Current Clients

* = client retained for more than three years
** = client retained for more than five years

Ad Hoc Clients

Partners / Directors

Holders of Public Office


Parent or Principal Company

  • Porter Novelli is part of the Porter Novelli International network which has offices in 95 cities in 52 countries

Subsidiary Companies


Associate Companies


Overseas Owned Offices Within

Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay

International Affiliates Within


Other Addresses

South Bar House
South Bar
Oxfordshire 0X16 9AD
Contact: Teresa-anne Dunleavy
Tel. 01295 224 400
Fax 01295 224 444
email: teresa-anne.dunleavy@cpn.co.uk
Hanover House
45 Hanover Street
Edinburgh EH2 2PJ
Contact: Angela Casey
Tel. 0131 470 3400
Fax 0131 470 3444
email: angela.casey@cpn.co.uk
I Estate Yard
Leeds L517 9LF
Contact: Trudy Worth
Tel. 0113 381 5100
Fax 0113 381 5101
email: trudy.worth@cpn.co.uk