László Toroczkai

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László Toroczkai is the mayor of Ásotthalom, Hungary. Toroczkai is a vice-president of the far right Jobbik party, and came to prominence in 2015 when he filmed an action movie-style video at a fence on the Serbian border warning migrants not to enter Hungary.


Mosque Ban

In November 2016, he banned mosque construction, the use of a muezzin at prayer times and the wearing of clothes such as the niqab and the burkini, which prompted one of the main Muslim organizations in the country to accuse him on xenophobia. He said these recent steps were taken to 'protect the community and its traditions from any mass settlement from outside'. [1]


  1. Hungarian Muslim group criticises town's 'xenophobic' decrees, The Guardian, 28 November 2016. Accessed 19 December 2016.