Kees van der Heijden

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Kees van der Heijden is a co-Founder and Director of the scenario and strategy consultancy Global Business Network[1]. Formerly Professor of General and Strategic Management at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Kees van der Heijden retired in 2001 and is now Emeritus Professor and Director of the Centre of Scenario Planning and Future Studies[2].

Kees is the former head of the Business Environment Division in Group Planning at Royal Dutch/Shell, London. He joined Shell in the Hague in 1957 and spent many years abroad in operating companies in Manila, Singapore, and Curacão, mostly in activities concerned with commercial planning, economics, and corporate planning and strategy. He is Associate Fellow of the James Martin Institute[3] and a member of the International Futures Forum [4].

Van der Heijden graduated in engineering at the University of Delft


  • Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation
  • The Sixth Sense: Accelerating Organizational Learning with Scenarios



  1. ^Global Business Network Kees van der Heijden
  2. ^University of Strathclyde Glasgow Kees van der Heijden - Emeritus Professor
  3. ^ Kees Van der Heijden: Associate Fellow - Futures
  4. ^International Futures Forum Members