Jeff Chapman

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Global warming.jpg This article is part of the Climate project of Spinwatch.

'Dr Jeff Chapman established the Carbon Capture and Storage Association in March 2006 following a long period of supporting UK businesses to establish a position in greenhouse gas emissions trading and carbon capture & storage.

Jeff has over thirty years of management experience in industry, consultancy and more latterly in government circles. He has specialised in the energy sector with a focus on the business opportunities that arise from climate change mitigation. Jeff has been a significant contributor to the establishment of London as the World centre of emissions trading.

Recognising the enormous potential of carbon capture & storage to control global greenhouse gas emissions and the consequent opportunities for business Jeff established an industry interest group with support from UK Trade and Investment in 2001 which became the foundation of the Carbon Capture & Storage Association in 2006. The objective of the Association is to represent the interests of its members in the business of capture and geological storage of carbon dioxide. From its base in London the CCSA brings together specialist companies in manufacturing & processing, power generation, engineering & contracting, oil, gas & minerals as well as a wide range of support services to the energy sector such as law, banking, consultancy and project management.'[1]

His is also a former President of the Energy Industries Club.[2]



  1. Offshore Europe Jeff Chapman, Accessed 28/11/09
  2. Committee, Energy Industries Club website, undated, accessed 3 November 2012
