Irene Janssen

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On January 1, 2008 Irene Janssen opened her own public affairs consultancy firm I ON EUROPE Public Affairs.

Her website says this about her: "In 2007, with 5 years of work experience in European public affairs, Irene started her own public affairs company I ON EUROPE Public Affairs. Before that, she gained in-depth experience as a junior consultant and later as a consultant at two renowned Brussels-based public affairs consultancies. Her main focus has always been on new legislation in the field of energy and energy efficiency as well as on health and healthy living. Her job as parliamentary assistant of MEP Ria Oomen-Ruijten gave her the experience on the inside of the European institutions."[1]

Irene Janssen's specialisations are health and healthy living, and energy and energy efficiency.[2]

EU Revolving Door.jpg This article is part of the EU Revolving Door project of SpinWatch.



  1. I ON EUROPE, Irene Janssen, accessed 11 January 2010.
  2. European Agenda, Agenda Weekly, 04 February 2008, accessed 11 January 2010.