Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology

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The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST), founded in 1889, is a learned society and a registered charity. As an international multi-disciplinary professional body, their mission is "to work with the global marine community to promote the scientific development of marine engineering, science and technology, providing opportunities for the exchange of ideas and practices and upholding the status, standards and expertise of marine professionals worldwide."[1]


IMarEST is governed by its members through their elected representatives on Council and the Board of Trustees (BoT) as well as a number of Committees of Council.


Supported organisations


Aldgate House
33 Aldgate High Street
London, EC3N 1EN
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7382 2600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7382 2670
Twitter: @IMarEST
Facebook: Marine Professionals - IMarEST


  1. IMarEST, Our Corporate Plan, undated, accessed 24 Oct 2013.
  2. SMC, Funders, SMC Annual Review 2007, accessed 24 Oct 2013.
  3. SMC, Funding, accessed 24 Oct 2013.