Ian Mikardo

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Ian Mikardo (1908-1993) was a Labour MP for Reading 1945-50, South Division of Reading 1950-55, Reading 1955-59, Poplar 1964-74, Tower Hamlets, Bethnal Green and Bow 1974-83, Bow and Poplar 1983-87. He was Vice-President of the Socialist International from 1978 to 1983.[1]

During the 1950s, Mikardo was considered a leading supporter of Aneurin Bevan, and was accused by Hugh Gaitskell of running the Bevanite organisation..[2]



  1. Tam Dalyell, Obituary: Ian Mikardo, Independent, 7 May 1993.
  2. Robin Ramsay and Stephen Dorril, Smear! Wilson and the Secret State, Fourth Estate Limited, 1991, pp.13-14.