Federazione Sionistica Italiana

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Federazione Sionistica Italiana is the Italian affiliate of the World Zionist Organisation one of the four Israeli National Institutions, that, along with the Israeli government form the backbone of the Zionist movement


According to the 'About us' section of its blog:

The taboo on anti-Semitism, imposed by the Holocaust on the West, has been broken. The political correctness that had held back the use of classical anti-Semitic stereotypes found an easy way to get around the problem: "We are not anti-Semites, we are "only" anti-Zionists". This is the mask behind which anti-Judaism has tried to hide its face, without fearing the moral disapproval of world society, on the contrary, obtaining its applause in the name of humanistic values. Thus Zionism, the aspiration of the Jewish people to its own "hearth", to its self-determination, has become the new enemy to be eradicated. The purpose of this blog is to try to expose the anti-Semitism, disguised as "legitimate criticism of a government".[1]


According to Ali Abunimah: 'In Milan in mid-June [2015], Fondazione Corriere della Sera, a think tank tied to Italy’s leading newspaper, co-sponsored an anti-BDS workshop with the Italian Zionist Federation, the Italy-Israel Association and the Jewish Community of Milan.[2]

Other sponsors of the event included L'Associazione Italiana Amici dell'Università di Gerusalemme



Address: 4 Galleria Del Corso, Milano, MI 20122, Italy
Phone: +39 02 7631 7246
Web: fedsit.wordpress.com


  1. FSI About Us. Accessed 2 March 2019. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  2. Ali Abunimah Italian prime minister lashes out in Jerusalem at “stupid and futile” BDS Electronic Intifada, 23 July 2015.