Euston Manifesto Italia

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The Euston Manifesto Italia was an Italian website offshoot of the Euston Manifesto which emerged in 2006.[1]

In a May 2009 communication with Neocon Europe, the site's organisers' stated:

We do not support in any way or form neocon ideologies and practices - in fact we are opposed to them - and in addition to that the site "Euston Manifesto Italia", which was all that was produced under the Euston name in Italy, was closed almost a year ago, so your information is now outdated.[2]

Euston Manifesto Italia is nevertheless profiled here because of the links between wider Euston Manifesto movement and the 'liberal hawk' circles within which neoconservatism originated.[3]




  1. Euston Manifesto Italia -via the Internet Archive, accessed 6 May 2009.
  2. email from Carmen Dal Monte, Monica Fucchi, Eugenio Mastroviti and Lina Zargani, 6 May 2009.
  3. For a discussion of these see Tom Griffin, The Euston Manifesto: Made in the USA?, Spinwatch, 6 May 2009.