Cuddy Group

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Mike Cuddy, head of Welsh contracting firm the Cuddy Group. Cuddy gave Peter Hain £10,000 for his campaign four months after Hain's visit to the company where he presented Cuddy with a health and safety award and endorsed the company's work[1]. The Cuddy Group 'has strenuously denied any link between the donation and Hain's commendation of it' [2].


  1. Walters, S. (2008) 'EVERY LITTLE HELPS; A PLUG IN STORE: Peter Hain at Maesteg's new Tesco, a company linked to his campaign manager Steve Morgan' Mail on Sunday. 13th January 2008
  2. Grimston, J., Woolf, M. & Gadher, D. (2008) 'THE DONORS: FROM DIAMOND BROKER TO DEMOLITION MAN'. The Sunday Times 13th January 2008