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- Joaquin Barnoya and Stanton A. Glantz, The tobacco industry's worldwide ETS consultants project: European and Asian components, European Journal of Public Health, 2006 16 69-77
- Mickey Chopra, Ian Darnton-Hill, Tobacco and obesity epidemics: not so different after all?, British Medical Journal, 2004;328:1558-1560 (26 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.328.7455.1558
- George Thomson, Janet Hoek, Richard Edwards, Heather Gifford, Evidence and arguments on tobacco retail displays: marketing an addictive drug to children?, Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association, 20-June-2008, Vol 121 No 1276
- Gregory N Connolly, The Marketing of Nicotine Addiction by one oral snuff manufacturer, Tobacco Control: British Medical Journal, 1995:4: 73-79