Carnegie UK Trust

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  • William Thomson, great grandson of Scots American philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie, previous Chair of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust and now our Honorary President. Formerly in shipping, now a director of retail and publishing companies.


Urmila Banerjee CBE

Urmila Banerjee CBEFormerly a Director of BT and Commissioner for Judical Appointments; currently Chair of Postwatch and Director of Ofcom.

Vice Chair

David J Stobie OBE

David J Stobie(Convenor of Audit and Risk Sub-Committee) Formerly Business Development Director, The British Linen Bank Limited. Chairman, Macnaughton Holdings Limited. Formerly Chairman, Children First (RSSPCC). Formerly Chairman Fife Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.


  • James Doorley Currently Assistant Director of the National Youth Council of Ireland with responsibility for Advocacy and Representation, having worked previously with a number of community and voluntary organisations at local and regional level. He has been a Board member of the European Youth Forum since 2002 and is currently serving as Vice President.
  • Dr David M Fraser Consultant Physician, Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline; Past-Chairman Carnegie Dunfermline and Hero Fund Trusts; formerly Medical Director, Fife Acute Hospitals Trust.
  • Angus Hogg Chairman,Carnegie Dunfermline and Hero Fund Trusts, Director of Eden River Associates Ltd Business Consultants, Trustee Lauder College Educational Trust.
  • Jeremy Holmes (Convener of the Young People Sub-committee) Partner of management consultancy, PMSI; Strategic adviser to several corporations and professional associations; Board member of arts organisations
  • Melanie Leech (Convener of the Rural Community Development Sub-Committee) Director General, Food and Drink Federation; previously served in a range of government departments, including Cabinet Office, Department of Culture Media and Sport and HM Customs. She was seconded from the civil service to the Association of Police Authorities as Executive Director.
  • Bill Livingstone (Convener of the Communications Sub-committee) Editorial Director, Dunfermline Press Group; Past Chairman, Society of Editors (Scotland); Convener, Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum
  • Bhupendra Mistry Specialist advisor on community cohesion, previously held senior positions in the field of regeneration and community development with a number of local, regional and national agencies. Current Board member of Harvest Housing Group and the Home Office Advisory Board – Futurebuilders, and Trustee of BBC World Service.
  • Tony Pender CBE Chair, North Music Trust; Honorary Governor, RSC; Board Member, Culture North East
  • Douglas Scott Chief Executive, Scottish Federation of Meat Traders Associations; Past President, Rotary Club of West Fife; Convener Carnegie UK Hero Fund Trust
  • Dr David Smith OBE (Convener of the Finance, Staff and Property Sub-Committee)

Formerly Chief Executive, Dunfermline Building Society; Formerly Convener of Court and Chairman, Finance Committee, University of Edinburgh; formerly Vice-Chairman, Scottish Opera; Board Member, NHBC

  • Jane Steele (Convener of the Democracy and Civil Society Sub-Committee)

From January 2006, Head of Research and Evidence, General Teaching Council for England; previously Head of Public Interest Research, Office for Public Management.

  • Robin W Watson Director of Watson Burnett Architects; active in a wide range of charitable and community organisations
  • C R Woodrow Chairman of family Scottish soft drink company; Former founder member West Fife Rotary Club; Past Chairman, Dunfermline Athletic C R Woodrow Football Club; Trustee of Carnegie Dunfermline and Hero Fund Trusts
  • Carol Madison Graham Carol was until recently Executive Director of the US/UK Fulbright Commission. Carol has a background in the US State Department and has been a consultant with the Ford Foundation.