Campaign Against Racism and Fascism

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The Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) is an anti-racist group based in [London with a history going back to the mid-1970s. It was originally an anti-racist/anti-fascist paper published by Anti-Fascist Committees in Greater London, later it appeared as a section withinSearchlight magazine, and later still it split with Searchlight to publish as an independent magazine for some years before closing down in 2003. The CARF editorial collective was always closely associated with the IRR (Institute of Race Relations) and the CARF group now operates as a support group for the IRR's news output.


The journal CARF was first published in late 1976 by the Richmond & Twickenham Anti Racist Committee. In 1977 it was adopted as the paper of the (London) Anti-Racist, Anti-Fascist Co-ordinating Committee (ARAFCC) - a federation of the broad-based anti-fascist committees that had sprung up across Greater London in response to the growth of the National Front and its Strasserite offshoot, the National Party.[1] ARAFCC and CARF were also associated with the Institute of Race Relations (IRR). Liz Fekete was part of both CARF and IRR.[2] When ARAFCC wound down in 1979 CARF continued to publish under an agreement with the then editor of Searchlight, Maurice Ludmer, with whom they had generally good relations, and CARF appeared for several years as a separately edited section within Searchlight. This arrangement continued after the untimely death of Ludmer in 1981. 'It had in the 1990s fallen out with Searchlight, the anti-racist magazine, over allegations that Searchlight was promoting pro-Zionist or pro-Israeli groups that the CARF Collective regarded as racist.'[2] The CARF editorial group decided to end their relationship with Searchlight.[2]

External links


  1. Who was involved in the ‘Battle of Lewisham’? – Battle of Lewisham, Goldsmiths, University of London
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Wordsworth, Dot The problem with "bame", The Spectator